The Sword, Alfred Pierre Agache, reproduction on canvas

Illusions Gallery Fine Art Prints on Canvas

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The Sword with Latin lettering at top: "For justice only"
The Sword without lettering
L'Épee (French, "The Sword"), painted in 1896, includes the Latin phrase "PRO IUSTITIA TANTUM" ("On behalf of Justice Only") to represent that violence should be used only by Justice. It was displayed at the Paris Salon that year. It was purchased by the Canadian National Exhibition (CNE) in 1916 from an exhibition of paintings that were currently on loan from France. Following the CNE's decision in 1938 to cease collecting and exhibiting European art, the painting (with other French works) was loaned to the Art Gallery of Ontario (AGO); in the mid-1960s these works were formally donated to the AGO. This painting remained in the AGO's vaults until the early 1990s; it was cleaned and restored and displayed in the AGO's Fudger Gallery.